Thursday, August 26, 2010


Okay, so being married to a computer whiz has it's drawbacks. Not many. I just found the first one today, after 11 years of marriage. =) Weird things can happen - most of them good, like updates on security software magically gets done, etc. But then there's this. I don't have anything against Facebook - in fact, I think it's a super way to keep in contact with everyone I care about. I just don't have time for another time-consumer; I mean, with a husband, three children, a dog, house, garden, bow business, and limited time and energy..... So, when FB send me an e-mail stating my facebook account is set up, and all these people are "confirming me as friend" it didn't take much to figure it out. That's what I get for leaving my computer on the kitchen counter! =D LOL! Anyway, just don't expect me to be very involved there. Probably won't see much of me, so if you really want to tell me something, it would probably be best to e-mail. Or check the blog!

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