Saturday, April 2, 2011

3 Weeks Post Op

Just a quick note to let you all know that we're doing very well! We switched Diana off the prescription pain meds soon after we got home, as it was seriously bothering her tummy. We gave her good ol' ibuprofen, and she was good to go! She began to eat well again, and the pain stayed under control. She was able to taper off the pain meds after about 8-10 days, and has not needed anything this past week. Yay! She hasn't even had much itching.

Diana went back to school last Friday, and has continued all this week - she was a bit tired that first day, but now seems to be back in the groove. She really missed her classmates, and is very happy to be back. I'm also very grateful to have my "errand-running" time back!! =D

We had a re-check back at Riley's last week. It went well - short and sweet! They were able to trim down the top of her cast so it doesn't push on her ribs when she sits up now. We also went up to see Diana's day nurse on the floor we got to know so well. =)

Diana loves to have everyone sign her cast - there's quite a collection of names!

She does a lot of sitting up now, and is tickled to be back in her barstool at the counter. We prop her up in back with a bunch of pillows and wrap one of Daddy's belts around her to keep her steady! =D

Hopefully more soon - spring break and Maple Syrup Festival are going to keep me busy for the next couple weeks.

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