Monday, March 14, 2011

My Turn

Well, we got Diana out of the hospital, home and situated Saturday evening. Just in time, too! Last night I ended up in the ER, then the ICU! =O I found out I have gallstones and am seriously allergic to simethicone (Gas-X)! Crazy!

I'd gotten the abdominal pain two times before, so when it came on last night, I thought I would try something different to try to stop it before it got bad. So I took the anti-gas stuff, took a bath and tried to relax in the easy chair. I soon broke out in hives all over my body - big, nasty, itchy welts. I was dizzy, hot, clammy, nauseated, fun, fun, fun. Thought I was going to pass out a couple times. My dad came over so Otto could get me to the ER. My blood pressure was seriously low - 60's over 30's! They pumped an entire IV bad into my arm in 15 minutes! After a time of iv's and benadryl my body calmed down quite a bit, but because of the low blood pressure, the doc wanted to keep me overnight for observation. I had an ultrasound that showed gallstones, but it didn't appear inflamed. They put me in the ICU because of the monitors. Seemed kinda crazy to me!! I really didn't think I needed that, but I guess I gave the ER guys a scare.

By morning my bp's were much better, and I was feeling fine (well, maybe just a little tired!!). Managed to convince the ICU doc that I really did want/need to get home, promised to return if I got any more symptoms. Got home to a shower and nap, lovely dinner (compliments of Laura S.) and feel really good!

I'm praying now that I don't get another gallstone attack soon - I just can't be having surgery and laid up right now! I have a daughter in a cast that I have to carry around - I can't be having to recup from that!! Have a follow-up with my family doc on Wednesday, so hopefully we can figure something out then.
(I wanted Otto to take this picture to show Diana that all those tubes and wires she had on her, I also got to have!) =D

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