Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Whoo-Hoo Disney!

Wow! Well, Otto and I have been talking for a while about taking the kids to Disney. One thing led to another, and guess what? We're going to Disney! In about 3 weeks! It kind of threw me through a loop for a while. Okay, I'm not technically a first-born (the ones who are planners and not very spontaneous), but my mom said Kara and I were kind of like a second family (being born 5 years after the boys kind of set us apart, and being girls and all), so I am kind of a first-born. Definitely have a need to plan and time to think things through. Now I've had time to do more research and planning, and we're getting very excited!

Any veteran Disney World travelers out there? What tips do you have? We are not staying at a park hotel, as this is peak season. We know we want to do a water park, and Animal Kingdom, but what do you guys recommend? What's your "must-see" attraction? Or share a favorite memory!

Is it exhausting? I know how it is taking my kids to the local fair or a day trip to Shedd Aquarium - I'm totally exhausted by the end of the day. How do you work it so little legs don't wear out?

P.S. - Please don't mention this to Diana, as she won't know for a couple more weeks yet. Don't need her driving me nuts quite yet! =)


  1. Fun! I've never been to Disney World (hardly even to Florida), so I'm not much help there. I'm curious though, will the boys keep it a secret from Diana, or will you wait to tell them too?? : )

    PS There's something to be said for being a first born GIRL. : ) I know sometimes I feel like a first born.

  2. The boys know. They're good at keeping secrets, so we don't worry about them. Actually, we do talk about it in front of her - in vague, spelled-out words! =)

  3. Wow! I'm excited for you guys! Is this Disneyland or Disneyworld? FL or CA? The major advice that I would have is take more than one day to do it!! We tried to cram it into one day and felt like we barely got the " tip of the iceberg"! Also, the lighted parade at night is well worth waiting around for! Talk to ya soon! -melisa

  4. Hi, Melisa! It's Disney World in FL. We have 4 days planned to devote to it! The last day I'm hoping we'll spend just relaxing at the beach/hotel pool. Thanks for the parade tip - I'm sure we'll get one of those in! =)

  5. WhooHoo! Sounds like fun!! You'll have the advantage of getting first in line too! Need a nanny?? :)
    Auntie Kara

  6. Yes, a disabled child plus 5 others can get in the "fast pass" lane. =) Leaves one out, though. =(

    Sure - I'll take an Auntie Nanny! =)

  7. Yea!! I had heard that you were going! I am so excited for the kids! The first day, they might be happy to just walk around and take it all in.....there is soooo much to see. Keep a leash on them....when John and I were young, Mom and Dad took us to California's Disneyland and he took off following a camera crew filming a western. We found him on his way out the gate to go to the car! It totally exhausted our parents....they were worried sick. However, there were some great memories made.....we rode the tea cup ride and Mom and Dad found out we could make the cup spin faster than they could handle!!:) Have a great time!!

  8. That sounds super fun!!! We want to take the kids there someday. But, I figured I would wait until they are few years older and can remember it more. Laisa asks if she can go all the time!! She wants to see all the princesses :)You'll have to talk to Susan and Anna tomorrow seeing as they have both been there. Anna said it is a LOT of walking and that her kids where just the right ages to be able to handle it. But, I know they did almost everything!
