Friday, September 30, 2011

Classic Day

Today was a classic day for our family. The good mixed with the tough, love getting us through it all. Our daughter has been struggling with GERD lately, and this morning it was at its worst. We spent the morning in my bathroom. She has been a challenge and a joy from the moment God put her in our lives - three years since we brought her home from Russia. Today provided tender moments - even the difficult ones were a catalyst for deeper bonding. The change in the course of my day allowed me to get some work done around the house that's been hanging over my head. Two boys bounded in the door from school. As I hugged them close, I thought again, "they're getting so tall!" I thought of their daddy, my teddy bear. Wanted to shoot off a facebook message to let him know how much I appreciate him. Sunday was on my mind. After church, I took a much-needed nap, awaking to the smell of chili - perfect! Later that night we were talking wistfully of chocolate chip cookies; he disappeared. Moments later I heard the familiar sounds of blender and baking sheets. He presented me with three on a plate and a cup of milk. Warm. Blissful! Tonight was capped with a visit from grandparents, bringing over a missing part of my applesauce strainer. Moments of frustration lead to warm pleasure. Giggles from the boys’ room tell me they are still awake - later than they should. I let them be. Childhood is so short. I treasure the sound, pausing to hit "save" in my memory.